David Redl
Photo of David Redl

Welcome to the weird mind of David Redl, capable computer scientist, sometimes ScrumMaster, and aspiring author.

I am passionate about stories and started this blog to share my experiences with the written word as a reader and, hopefully someday, an author.

My family and I are blessed to live and work on Treaty 7 land in Alberta, Canada.

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Exploring The Screaming Void

An exciting and hilarious science-fiction from D.N. Schmidt

D.N. Schmidt book review sci-fi 2022

2022-12-31 - David Redl

The book I chose to be my last read of the year found me earlier in the year when I had requested recommendations online. Author D.N. Schmidt easily sold me on the idea of The Screaming Void with a pitch that was reminiscent of one of my favorite television shows, Firefly. I ordered it right away and my only regret is that it didn’t land higher on my to-read pile so I could get to it sooner.

The Screaming Void is a fun romp through space with interesting species, dastardly villains, and well thought out world-building. D.N. Schmidt developed unique and compelling characters that entertained me throughout, even as they tackled difficult topics like the privatization of faster-than-light travel, the role of religion in inter-species and inter-planetary societies, and the importance of instant noodles to space travel on a budget. All joking aside, there were great character moments interspersed throughout the story that made the protagonists sympathetic and memorable. I was also pleasantly surprised by the refreshing and respectful way that the author tackled mental illness.

The story follows a crew of space junk salvagers of questionable legality as they try to earn a quick buck by retrieving a broken ship from the most dangerous place in space, the titular Screaming Void. The experience is eye-opening for them and they uncover valuable secrets that test their loyalties and their priorities.

The Screaming Void is an adrenaline rush from start to finish written with unique style and wit. I highly recommend this book to fans of science-fiction or action novels. While this is the first book I’ve read from D.N. Schmidt, I’ll likely be back for more.


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